See logging
in backend/plonly3/
there is a challenge test, to run it with trace logging, use the below command:
RUST_LOG=trace cargo test --features plonky3 --package powdr-backend --lib -- plonky3::stark::tests::challenge --exact --show-output
more info comes out like:

to see a logging from a specific module add the module name in the RUST_LOG parameter like:
RUST_LOG=powdr_plonky3=trace cargo test --features plonky3 --package powdr-backend --lib -- plonky3::stark::tests::challenge --exact --show-output
you can see this

add dependency:
log = "0.4"
use package
use log::{trace, info};
code to print:
info!("Challenges by stage: {:?}", challenges_by_stage);
add dependency of tracing also fine, the trace subscriber is enable somewhere when running prove or test by itself
tracing = "0.1.37"