Plonk in a short description

Plonk argument of knowledge can be described in 5 steps in a high level:

  1. Computation
  2. Arithmetic circuit
  3. Constrain System
  4. Transfer the constrain system to polynomial
  5. Prove gate constraints are satisfied.
  6. Prove permutation constraints are satisfied.

Constrain System in Plonk (Plonkish constrain system)

The constraint system in Plonk is

$$(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{L}_i} )\cdot x_{a_i}+(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{R}_i} )\cdot x_{b_i}+(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{O}_i} )\cdot x_{c_i}+(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{M}_i} )\cdot (x_{a_i}x_{b_i})+(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{C}_i} )=0$$

Transfer the constrain system to polynomial

There are 12 polynomial in total:

3 witness polynomials: \(a(X),b(X),c(X)\), represent the left, right inputs and the outputs of the gates.

5 selector polynomials: \(q_M(X), q_L(X),q_R(X),q_O(X),q_C(X)\), these polynomials are the public input and computed from the circuit

3 permutation mapping polynomials: \(S_{\sigma 1}(X),S_{\sigma 2}(X),S_{\sigma 3}(X)\) these polynomials are the public input and computed from the circuit

1 permutation polynomial: \(z(X)\)


$$z(w^i)=\prod\limits_{j=2}^i\frac{(w_j^j+\beta w^j+\gamma)(w_{n+j}+\beta k_1 w^j+\gamma)(w_{2n+j}+\beta k_2 w^j+\gamma)}{ (w_j^j+\sigma^(j)\beta w^j+\gamma)(w_{n+j}+\sigma^(n+j)\beta k_1 w^j+\gamma)(w_{2n+j}+\sigma^*(2n+j)\beta k_3 w^j+\gamma)} $$

later will prove conditions:

this utilizes the lipton trick.

Prove gate constraints are satisfied.

Prove the permutation holds

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