Upon understanding the attack on Nova — Part 1

To understand the attack on Nova, I figure out I need to understand the role of the hash function and the validation check of hash function in Nova, from the first paper where the “cycle of curves” is not introduced, the circuit is illustrated as

Nova circuit in https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/370.pdf

to …

IPA in Bulletproof, a rough description

Building blocks

Vector Commitment on elliptic curve, useful for its additive homomorphic


$$\{(\textbf{g,h}\in \mathbb{G}^n, P \in \mathbb{G}, c \in \mathbb{Z}_p; \textbf{a,b}\in \mathbb{Z}_p^n): P=\textbf{g}^{\textbf{a}}\textbf{h}^{\textbf{b}} \wedge c=<\textbf{a},\textbf{b}>\}$$


the strategy is recursive proof. For every recursive step, keep the public statement in the same format, but the vector length, together with …

Plonk in a short description

Plonk argument of knowledge can be described in 5 steps in a high level:

  1. Computation
  2. Arithmetic circuit
  3. Constrain System
  4. Transfer the constrain system to polynomial
  5. Prove gate constraints are satisfied.
  6. Prove permutation constraints are satisfied.

Constrain System in Plonk (Plonkish constrain system)

The constraint system in Plonk is

$$(\textbf{q}_{\textbf{L}_i} )\cdot …

On Understanding of the Permutation in Plonk

Question 1:

There are two list \((a_1, a_2, a_3,…a_n)\) and \((b_1,b_2,b_3,…,b_n)\)

how can we prove they contain the same element? (now we only consider to have the same elements, permutation comes in next question) This question would help you to understand why the permutation construction in Plonk is constructed in …

From Arithmetic Circuit to Quadratic Arithmetic Programs

Definition of Arithmetic Circuit

Let \(C: \ \mathbb{F}^n \ \rightarrow \ \mathbb{F}^k\) be a map which takes \(n\) arguments from a finite field \(\mathbb{F}\) as inputs and compute \(k\) outputs in \(\mathbb{F}\). \(C\) is an arithmetic circuit if the outputs are determined by the operations \(+\) and \(\times\) to the